Hello and welcome! I hope this is the first post of thousands more.
For a long time, I've been looking for a blog solution like Jekyll, Vuepress, or Vitepress which could give me some freedom to do the things my way, would be low cost and simple. I've used Jekyll before and it was cool, but it is a Ruby app and I'm not interested in learning to code in Ruby now. Now I'm using Vitepress and I'm pretty satisfied with it. Some of the features I like about it are:
- Simple.
- You just need to write Markdown instead of HTML or edit pages with an editor
- There's no need to setup a DB and maintain it
- Zero cost.
- Vitepress is opensource
- Github can host it for free
- Written in JS with Vue.js
- This the part I really like because I can easily extend and customize it my way
Looking for the perfect tool
Vuepress and Vitepress were developed to create Documentation. So many examples on the internet seems to mention docs folder as the main folder but it seems to be changing in the latest versions of Vitepress. I see many people adopting Vitepress as a tool for blogging and other types of websites. At the moment I'm writing it is still in alpha version 1.0.0-alpha.21 and it's pretty good and usable. Of course there is some documentation to improve, the customization is not that easy yet but I'm already very excited about it!